Hi, Diurna! Today is Action Research final defense day and we are all nervous and excited because finally this would be the last research that we are going to face. And hopeful for a best result and good grade as we had imparted our time, effort, dedication, and money on this to effectively implement this RISES intervention to our beloved participants. Although the defense was done through online but it was still like ripping our hearts out from our chest. 

     We have finished the editing of our manuscript early in the morning and then we had our practice answering the possible questions from the panels. We believed that we could pass it as we believe that our intervention was effective and easy to do for them to learn how to improve and recover their skills in writing specially in writing essays. We were scheduled 2 pm in the afternoon however as the session was very fast, we already expect that we might be moved to the morning schedule which it happened.
      We prepared everything the needed answers, manuscript, and the video from our intervention's documentation. However, we were moved to defend out intervention at 1 pm. But still we were preparing ourselves and the possible outcome after the defense. And thankfully we passed and our intervention was thoroughly and truthfully defended!!! Truly and finally we just reap what we sow. Despite the laziness, ranting, and fooling around we still did our best to defend our intervention. We truly are grateful for the participants and for the experience.
