Ps: Buchi yesterday, buchi now, buchi for-ever. 

“The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.” – Aristotle 

     Good day, Diurna! Thanks, God it's Friday!!! I woke up today energetically because it is my favorite day of the week. I arrived at school 7:15 and since I don't have my 1st and 2nd period, we did chitchats with my co-interns in our quarter since they too do not have their class starting today. We did some reviews for our upcoming mock board exam (HOPEFULLY WE CAN PASS IT WITH GOD'S GRACE, WILL, AND MERCY) we lend our time for time, and we also had our chitchats to at least energized our souls (kidding). 

      Anyway, at exactly 9:30 I prepared myself for my 3rd period class in Grade 7- Lavender but I just get their attendance for today. And as I arrived there they were cleaning and they set up their chairs on the side ready for the athletes. This goes same also with my Grade 7- Jasmine which I get their attendance and reminded them about their performance task. And I went back to our quarter and planned on the things we need to do next week in our assigned tasks. We also planned our lunch altogether on Monday.

     I just hope and pray that Pantukan delegation will win this Provincial meet.
